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Central State Community Services
CSCS Public Relations/ Customer Services/ Anti-Stigma Test 2024
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1. What are signs that a healthcare staff member may be stigmatizing an individual with a mental health disorder?
Using derogatory language or labels when referring to the individual
Avoiding eye contact or physical proximity to the patient
Expressing disbelief or skepticism about the patient's symptoms or experiences
All of the above
2. What should healthcare staff do if they witness or hear colleagues perpetuating stigma?
Ignore it and focus on their own work
Confront their colleagues respectfully and educate them about the impact of stigma
Laugh along to avoid conflict
3. What is an appropriate way for healthcare staff to greet family members of individuals under their care?
Avoid making eye contact to respect their privacy
Extend a warm greeting and introduce themselves
Assume they are not involved in the individual's care unless stated otherwise
4. Customer service in healthcare primarily involves providing medical treatment efficiently.
5. What is the importance of empathy in healthcare customer service?
It helps healthcare staff understand and respond to patients' emotions and concerns
It is unnecessary and can be a waste of time.
It can lead to burnout among healthcare staff.